- Filename: SeasonFX.pkm (445 kB)
- Current version: 1.1 (124 months ago)
- Total downloads: 76,717
This Mod intends to add new Season based content and effects to Banished.
Current Version includes:
-New Lighting effects that change to suit each Season
-New Grass Texture for Orchards
-New Plowed Soil Texture for Crop Feilds
Intended (If possible)
-Heatwaves in summer
-Small Flowers in Spring
-Leaves on the ground in Autumn
-New Trees to add to the mix
-New Grass Texture for the whole map (Higher Quality)
-New Texture for Pastures
Note: This is Currently a work in progress and of the intended features above some may not be possible (for me) to add to the game.
Important: If you are using another mod that effects Orchards and Crop Fields (eg Better Feilds Mod by ragingnonesense) Place it above SeasonFX. in your load order.
Current Bugs:
-Crop Feild texture can sometimes be Stretched or Squished, this is a bug within the game that ocurs depending on where the Field is
placed, although I intend to try to work around this dont get your hopes up :/
- Fixed Lighting Effects not being compiled correctly.